My skin-friendly lifestyle is my magic wand. I discovered it here in beautiful California, USA, through my own eczema healing and wellness journey.
I became a skin health enthusiast at a very young age because of my sensitive skin. The holistic lifestyle I had throughout my childhood in China, along with my simple natural skincare routine, kept my skin radiant with only a few mild episodes until 2012. A few years after I had completely adopted the American diet and lifestyle, I experienced my first major flare-up. My skin became inflamed on my scalp, face, hands, and many other areas of my body.
I was prescribed steroid cream of various strengths and was often advised to receive steroid shots. That was the first time I tried the cream. It did heal my skin but left many dark spots. Unfortunately, my symptoms returned soon after. When I asked about the root cause of my condition and how I could heal naturally, I received very confusing answers and no alternative treatments.
Those frustrating experiences ignited my passion for finding answers.
I drew wisdom from both the West and the East. It took many visits to various doctors and health experts, months of research, innumerable trials and errors with numerous skin healing remedies, and countless hours of reflection and soul searching.
I finally realized that while conventional Western medicine specializes in acute, emergency, intensive, and urgent care, it does not place much emphasis on disease prevention. It is not particularly effective at treating or healing chronic diseases such as eczema. I needed to make significant changes to my environment, diet, and lifestyle in order to heal my skin. I needed to nurture my body, mind, and soul with true food.
After identifying my bodyβs unique triggers and creating a nourishing environment, I healed my skin holistically. Soon, family and friends were asking for advice. When my now-teenage daughter had her first flare-up in 2018 caused by cleaning wipes in her classroom, I healed her skin as well. Before long, acquaintances, Instagram friends, and my readers were requesting my professional help too.
My eczema healing journey and my passion for finding holistic and sustainable solutions have brought forth many awakenings of insight and wisdom. I developed a desire to help like-minded individuals navigate the challenges I faced and overcame, and a passion to guide others toward a life of inner freedom, authenticity, and well-being.
I am now a wellness entrepreneur and IIN Certified Professional Health Coach.
This isΒ whyΒ I say perhaps my skin friendly lifestyle is my imperfectly perfect magic wand, if you are interested in reading about it.
Thank you for being here, exactly as you are.
Yours Truly,